Crockpot Apple Butter



2-3 tsp Ground Cinnamon

You’ll need:

Enough apples to fill your crock-pot or slow-cooker . Use any variety you like. I’ve used a combination of all different kinds…it doesn’t seem to matter and it always tastes amazing.

To make:

Start by washing your apples in a sink full of cold water. You’ll be leaving the peels on, so make sure each apple is nice and clean.

Dry the apples on some kitchen towels and core them, cutting them in halves or quarters. If your apples are quite large, cut in quarters. Because my apples were hand-picked a few had bruises, but in a recipe like this that doesn’t matter too much. Don’t bother peeling them: this adds to the nutrition factor of this recipe (leaving the peels on adds great fiber) and saves you a ton of time.

Place the apples in the pot of your crock-pot, add 2-3 tsp Ground Cinnamon and stir.  Turn the heat to high. Put the lid on and let the apples cook for about 4 hours, giving it a good stir approximately every hour.

After 4 hours, it should look like this:

Transfer the apple mixture to your blender (you may have to do this in two batches to avoid spraying piping hot apples all over your kitchen…not that I would know anything about that…) and blend on high speed until the mixture is creamy and perfectly smooth. Make sure you add every last bit to the blender. You’ll need the crock-pot again in a minute and it needs to be nice and clean.
Add the pureed mixture back into the clean crock-pot and stir in the cinnamon.

Let it cook on high for another hour or so to let it thicken, stirring once or twice during that time.

If you notice that you apple butter is too thin, cook it on low for about 45 minutes or with the lid off, stirring every 10 minutes or so to allow the water to evaporate out of the pot.  Cook until desired thickness is achieved, may be less or more than the suggested 45 minutes.

Let the mixture cool slightly at room temperature before adding it to jars or containers, and then store it in the fridge for up to 4 weeks, or in the freezer for even longer!

The yield for this recipe will be slightly different with every batch (simply because of the different varieties of apples you use or the exact cooking temperature of your crock-pot) but a typical yield for  my 5-quart crock-pot is about 4-5 cups. And because all it contains is apples and cinnamon, it’s a super healthy

I hope you enjoyed this recipe. Let me know in the comments below, what’s your favorite thing to make with apples in the fall?

5 Reasons Why You Should be Eating Healthy.

Grilled Chicken Breast with Vegetable Salad

Eating healthy isn’t always easy, this is so true, I struggle on a daily basis not to reach my hand out for the kids sweet snacks… but committing to a healthy diet can be one of the smartest decisions you ever make.

Even if you intend to “eat healthy,” knowing exactly what that means can be challenging. Following a healthy diet includes choosing plenty of lean meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, whole grain and dairy products.

Eating well also means leaving out or only rarely consuming foods that are high in added sugar, saturated fat and sodium. That includes most fast food, full-calorie sodas, processed snacks like chips and crackers, and anything with more milligrams of sodium than there are calories in a serving.

If you need some help getting motivated, here are the top reasons to sneak a few more nutrient-packed foods into your diet.

1. Increase productivity

Like a car, your brain needs quality fuel to run efficiently. When it comes to your job, working more efficiently can help you earn more, since high achievers are usually first in line for promotions and raises!!!   It has been shown that people have an increase in focus shortly after improving their diets.

How much can eating healthy help? One 2012 study published by Population Health Management found that eating an unhealthy diet puts you at a 66% increased risk of productivity loss. Another study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that an unhealthy diet represented the highest risk for low productivity out of 19 possible risk factors, including lack of exercise, chronic pain and financial instability.

 2. Enhance mood

What you eat has a major impact on your brain, including the parts that regulate mood. Although there’s no single food that acts as a proven antidepressant, maintaining stable blood sugar through regular, proper nutrition will help you feel better overall on most days. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, whole grains and vegetables, have been associated with an overall lower risk of depression, as have foods rich in omega-3 fats, such as nuts, salmon and other fatty fish.

Eating healthy can reduce stress too.

3. Regulate weight

Most people know this one, but it still deserves to be mentioned… Simple healthy choices such as replacing soda with water, choosing veggies instead of chips, and ordering a side salad in place of fries not only will help you lose weight, it also can help you save money. Save money???    How can not ordering fries help you save money?   Health care.   When you change your food intake to healthier options, you are more than likely to start saving on your overall health costs.   This will not happen overnight, however if you continue to make the healthier decisions, you will notice your health improving.

4. Be healthiersalad-fries

Not everybody who is thin is healthy, and not everyone who is overweight is unhealthy, but eating right can improve health for even thin people who are junk food junkies. You can think of junk food as anything that’s high in calories and low in vitamins and minerals. This includes potato chips, greasy foods like french fries, and soda.

You will also need to watch what you put on your salad, most dressings are high in fat and oils so if dressings are a must, vinegar and oil is your healthiest choice.

5. Live longer

The same diseases that make you feel bad and cost a lot of money may also lower your life expectancy. A diet of fruit and vegetables, in combination with exercise, was associated with extended life expectancy for women in their 70s, according to a study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Other studies have shown similar associations between a long life and calorie restriction or consumption of a Mediterranean diet, which includes lots of fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fats from fish and olive oil. No matter how you cut it, a healthy diet can play an important role in how long you’ll live.

Tips for eating healthy

If switching to a healthy diet were easy, everyone would do it. So what should you do if you’re having a hard time choosing the right foods and sticking to a healthful eating pattern?

Small changes over time result in big payoffs.. That means setting small, attainable goals each day that will translate into long-term results. Here are some of tips:

  • Stay hydrated. This will help you reduce cravings and feel fuller.
  • Don’t skip meals. Eat at about the same time each day, if you can.
  • Get active. Just increasing activity a little bit may create a mindset to eat better too.
  • Plan around cravings. If you always get hungry for salt at 3 p.m. or sugar after dinner, have a healthier alternative ready to go.
  • Forgive yourself when you slip up. Beating yourself up after a slip-up tends to unravel all of your goals; picking back up as though you didn’t make a misstep is a better option.

Keep in mind that good choices, like eating a healthy diet, happen one at a time. A few small changes in the right direction can help improve your life now.

If you have any questions or need help on setting goals to make changing your lifestyle successful, please feel free to shoot me a message or comment and I will reach out to you.

Is Pokémon GO Getting You Going?


By now, you’ve most likely heard of Pokémon GO,the game that allows you to catch Pokémon in the real world by allowing you to  hunt for them via an app on your phone.   Well this new craze has people logging in the miles.

Seriously… Pokémon GO has been a motivator to get people up and moving without even really thinking about it, with one thing on their mind they get up and move

“Pokémon ..Gotta catch em all.”

What can you do to help lose weight or get in better shape?

Keep Walking

If you’ve already added Pokémon GO to your daily routine, you’re probably walking more and, therefore, burning more calories. The average person will burn about 100 calories for every mile walked.  IL001-_Pokémon_-_I_Choose_You_06

Up Your Speed
If you want to catch more Pokémon and burn more calories, you’ve got to keep on moving. You will cover more ground and burn more calories if you walk quickly, jog, or run.


Head Toward The Hills
Heading up hill burns more calories because you have to use more muscle  as you “climb” that incline!

Incorporate Weights 

WHAT? You’re playing a game with your hands, how can you add in weights?   BAtumblr_inline_oae15wLJ5d1tj6ram_540CKPACK!   Carrying a backpack allows you to add in some extra weight!   Aside from your must haves (water, suncscreen and healthy snacks) start out with adding about 5 extra lbs in it.  Adding that 5 lbs will add more resistance and work your muscles harder… once you can handle the 5lbs up it to 10 lbs,  and so on.

6 Common Mistakes That Might Be Preventing You From Losing Weight


If you’ve been trying to lose weight, you’ve probably started to eat less, exercise more, choose “diet” foods, avoid fat, or eat breakfast. Maybe you’ve done all this (time and time again) and you’re still not happy with what you see in the mirror. Or you’ve had short-term results, but the weight keeps coming back and you feel stuck.

To be able to lose the weight for good, it’s important to understand that “diet” advice as well as lifestyle habits can really hinder your success, sometimes on a very subtle level.

Here are 5 common mistakes that can easily undermine your best weight loss efforts.

Balsamic Chicken w-Mushrooms
Balsamic Chicken With Mushrooms Recipe

Eating processed or artificial foods instead of whole foods

It is very common to go on a diet and still eat lots of processed foods. You’ve probably heard many times that losing weight is about eating less. But if what you eat less of are still the same processed foods, you’ll have a hard time losing the weight.

Artificial Sweeteners

It has been recently suggested by research that artificial sweeteners modify the microbiome in our gut. And even though these sweeteners contain zero calorie, these changes in the gut are responsible for both high blood sugar and weight gain.

Restricting and depriving yourself of food all day long

It can be very easy to fall into the food restriction trap, with a cycle of eating less, skipping meals, over-restrictive dieting, then self-punishment in the form of binge eating at night upon realizing this unrealistic diet cannot be sustained for very long.

Some research shows that deprivation causes craving and overeating, particularly if you have been restricting yourself.

Your cravings don’t mean you are doomed to be addicted to processed foods or sugar for the rest of your life; they are simply a good reminder that you can’t enjoy life while experiencing permanent feelings of deprivation.

Eat 5-6 Small Meals a day. 

While traditional wisdom tells us to eat 3 meals a day and nothing more, studies are showing that eating 5-6 small meals a day can help keep you with that “full” feeling.

Eat every three hours. An ideal day of eating should include breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack and dinner. Eat slowly. Eating five to six small meals each day helps you avoid overeating at meal times. Your stomach is the size of your fist. Maintain a balanced diet. Limit desserts each week.

You can also read my post on losing weight by eating more.

Not keeping an eye on calorie intake or watching portions

Eating whole foods is good for your health and it will also help you lose weight, as we’ve
seen above, but overeating healthy foods may also prevent you from dropping extra pounds. I have seen this very often with people I know or clients who switch to a healthier diet.

Even though it’s not about counting calories in an obsessive way, it’s essential to actually keep an eye on your portions to make sure that you are  fueling your body with what it needs.

Learn more about portion control and how it can be for you at: What is 21 Day Fix?

Not getting enough sleep

Researchers found that sleep deprivation could hinder fat loss and lead people to feel hungrier because of higher levels of the hormone ghrelin. This means that you will manage to lose more weight when you get enough sleep because you’ll feel less hungry and you’ll eat less.

Studies have also shown that being sleep deprived can lead to overeating and cravings for junk food. Getting the recommended amount of sleep of seven to nine hours can therefore help lower cravings for calorie-dense foods, which in turn can help you lose weight without struggling so much.


DIY School Lunches!!!

DIY-Lunchables-MainMaking fun and healthy school lunches doesn’t have to be a boring, especially with these DIY Lunchables! Kids love the idea and parents love the more nutritious alternative to prepared lunch kits.


This is a simple take on a traditional lunchable found in the store, but is FAR healthier and more cost effective. Rolling sandwich meat and cheese, adding crackers, and a couple of fruits adds up to a simple and filling meal.


Who doesn’t like the fun idea of chips and salsa for lunch?  Add shredded cheese to salsa to thicken it up a bit and provide a little extra protein, some quesadillas and chips for dipping, yogurt raisins, and a fruit & veggie pouch.


If you have fruit & veggie eaters then you can mix up fresh choices with fun dips. You can use hummus, guacamole, ranch dressing, salsa, Greek yogurt and more for dips. Add some cheese and nuts for protein and you’re all set to go! This can also be packed as a an after school snack for before extra curricular activites, it’s a fantastic for snacking too!


DIY Lunchables

You can purchase fully cooked chicken breast strips or set aside a breast or 2 when preparing dinner, slice into strips and store in the refrigerator for lunches. Baking mini muffins and freezing them is a sweet way to add a little homemade to your lunch routine as well. Using an applesauce pouch makes it easy for frantic mornings when there isn’t time to slice fresh fruit.


Most kids could live on pizza. Using turkey pepperoni, whole grain pita bread, and a small container of marinara sauce, you can create pizza for lunch and enjoy a healthier version of the store bought choice. You could also add other fun toppings like ham, pineapple, olives, mushrooms or whatever else your kid enjoys!

Are you REALLY ready? Do you have a WHY?

You say that you want to start eating better, that you want to work out, that you are READY this time. THIS IS THE TIME…
>>>>>>FAST FORWARD >>>>>
The first day comes and you were prepared because you ate everything in sight yesterday to prepare for today.
You’ve only been awake for 3 hours and you are struggling already, you can’t stop thinking about all the things you can’t have…it’s driving you CRAZY!
Lunch time hits, you’ve eaten what you brought and it wasn’t enough. You can’t stop thinking about food. You convince yourself that it’s ok to go to the vending machine, one bag won’t hurt you. You get home, everyone wants pizza for dinner, you think about the chips you ate earlier and decide today just wasn’t your day and you give in.
You beat yourself up… ask yourself why does this always happen? You feel defeated and like you have failed again. You give up.
Why does this happen?
It’s because your reason WHY you started wasn’t strong enough.
Your WHY has to be greater than your cravings, greater than the obstacles that come at you.
Your WHY has to push you to your MAXIMUM level of motivation.
When you have found your ULTIMATE reason to WHY you want something so bad it will give you ALL that you need to reach your goals. It will give you all that you need to get back up no matter how many times you fall down.
Your WHY will turn your “I can’t” into “I CAN!”
I found my WHY and I lost 37 lbs, I don’t eat perfect, but I eat better, A LOT BETTER. I work out at least 5 times a week (more when I am doing a program). My work outs are far from perfect, my form isn’t the best, sometimes when I’m just not feeling it, I might not lift as heavy or push myself as hard. but I DO IT!
Those nights when I just want to be lazy and do nothing, I think of WHY I started. WHY I decided that this time I wasn’t going to let the negative me get control of my head, WHY I wanted to be healthier, WHY I wanted to be physically fit, WHY I wanted to be all around HAPPIER with who I am.
I had an EXCELLENT support system when I started in my first challenge group. A group of people who were in a similar situation to me who decided that this was going to be the time they SUCCEEDED. We all rallied around each other, providing motivation and support.
I know that without that challenge group my WHY would have gotten me here, but the road would have been A LOT bumpier and LONGER than it was. Having the extra support and accountability really helped me reach my goals and be where I am today.
I would LOVE to help you find your WHY and to prove that you CAN DO ANYTHING that YOU want. Please comment below or message me let’s talk about YOU and what you NEED, let’s pinpoint what exactly drives you will make you SUCCEED!
I am SO proud of you for Finally taking your health seriously!
Comment ⬇️⬇️. 🙌🙌
Round 1 - Round 3 FINAL

Feel GREAT in 21 Days!

Don’t let this be you… LOL… No please don’t. I mean it!
It’s a perfectly good way to hurt yourself and only get short term results for all that hard work and effort.
You want a “SUMMER BODY”?
Give me 21 days and I will give you a workout program and nutrition plan that will get you the results you want. No JOKE…it’s for REAL!
Two groups starting soon.. get in on one of them!!!
1. Our regular Monthly kick A$$ group that has well over 100 challengers pushing and creating MOTIVATION GALORE!
2. An all NEW. •••Mommy ONLY••• group!!!! I know RIGHT!?! A group full of mom’s who will have support from other moms who are dealing with the same basic ins and outs off daily life. The STRUGGLE IS REAL and we are here to help keep the motivation flowing! It will fill up fast so don’t wait to get your paws in it!
Both Groups start May 2nd.. you can lose weight, tone up and FEEL GREAT all in 21 Days!
Contact me today or comment below for more details!

Losing Weight By Eating More???


You know that you need to eat healthier, but is it possible that you need to eat more of the right foods? Chances are that if you are struggling with weight loss or just trying to get healthier in general, you may need to really concentrate on more of the right foods. Not only that but you may very well need to give your portion sizes another look. Though you think you’re doing everything right, if you want to lose weight these two factors are a big part of the equation.

You can’t lose weight without watching portion size, and that’s something that so few of us understand. The surprising thing about this though is that you may need to eat more throughout the day, but of the right foods. Rather than skipping meals and then binging at the next meal, it’s really a matter of spacing out your eating to keep you fueled all day long. So while it’s true that there can be too much of a good thing, it’s all about refocusing on eating more of the right foods but ensuring proper amounts all day long.

Here’s how to eat more of the right foods and how to balance out your portions. These tips can help you to capture what it means to eat for fuel and use the right foods to be your very best:

  • Understand that creating a new habit takes about 3 weeks: You are not going to make healthy changes overnight, so keep that in mind. Though you do need to remain dedicated to creating healthier eating habits, it takes time. The average time to create a good habit is about 3 weeks or 21 days. So give yourself this time, allow yourself to transition and embrace the change, and commit to it as your body gets used to powerful and nutritious foods.
  • Educate yourself on what makes up proper portions and serving sizes: Yes portion does matter and so you need to learn what makes up appropriate serving sizes. While you may very well learn to “eye portions” in the future, in the here and now you must weigh out foods and really follow a portion guide. Then you know what you really need, what makes up a proper portion, and you’re not tempted to overdo it when you learn to visualize it.
  • Embrace the right foods as they will give you fuel without hurting you with fat and preservatives: Forget about the foods that taste good but which are nutritionally void—bid them farewell! Processed foods, fast foods, fried foods, and even “diet foods” will only ever work against you. Learn to really taste the delicious flavors of healthy, natural, and whole foods. Understand how many nutrients you are getting and how they are benefiting your body. Once you get rid of the wrong foods and really welcome in the right ones, you can enjoy healthy eating in a whole new exciting way.
  • Balanced eating is always key, as is combining food groups: You can get in what you really need in a day and learn to balance your eating out, and it all starts with combining food groups. This gives you great power in your mini meals, helps you to take in key nutrients, and also helps you to feel satisfied for much longer. Try combining cottage cheese with fruit, hummus with whole grain crackers, or an apple with peanut butter as good examples of nutritionally sound and balanced mini meals.
  • Aim to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day: This philosophy will help you to lose weight, stay fueled, avoid the wrong foods and overeating, and of course give you all that you need in a day. Aim to eat about every 3-4 hours if you can, and try to break it up into 5-6 mini meals. Break down what you would have normally eaten at one meal into a couple of different meals. Keep healthy snacks and mini meals with you at all times, so that you never have to guess about what you’ll eat next.

Changing the way that you eat and keeping yourself fueled like this will not only help you to lose weight, but also to feel more satisfied all day long—and that’s what it means to manage your portions, eat better foods, and to get healthier through all of this in the meantime!

If this makes a lot of sense to you and you want to give portion control eating a try, I have just the group for you! We start in just a few weeks, so let me know if you are interested

Health and Fitness – The Mental Battle

Are you where you want to be physically? Mentally? Spiritually?

I could almost bet 99% of people are not. And guess what? THAT’S OKAY. We are constantly bombarded with posts from people we are motivated and inspired all day long. What we don’t realize is we are only seeing the BEST of those people. I know the enemy LOVES to implant envious, negative thoughts to either knock us down or kick us when we are down. It’s easy to look at these posts and compare yourself to where others are at.  i do it myself.

Please know that you aren’t alone in your battle, and it may take many battles with negative thoughts to win the war. These are things I’ve struggled with myself, even when I “looked my best” I was suffering beyond belief, and of course I would never admit that my life wasn’t perfect on social media. The truth is: everyone is on a different journey and in a different place along their path. Even if your goals are similar, your life circumstances are not, but in knowing this, it still may not stop those negative, envious, comparative thoughts. If I can help just one person by sharing what I’ve learned on how to overcome and gain control of your thoughts then I would have fulfilled the purpose in this post.

201507060902391. Building a solid foundation is key. and there are many foundations to be built when embarking on a fitness journey or continuing on an existing one. The first and foremost is giving it to God. And I mean everything. A simple prayer relinquishing your heart, body and soul for God’s purpose, and not your own, is all that is needed ( Proverbs 3:5). God places the desires of our hearts within us to carry out His good purpose. Praying for what God has put into your heart you will surely receive (Matthew 7:7).  Spending time with Him, in His word, not just when you have time, but when you MAKE time will build the base to build your temple upon.

2. Seeing yourself as God sees you is difficult! Our self-worth is not dependent or based on how others see us, our accomplishments, our past, the expectations and unrealistic standards we set for ourselves. We think things about ourselves we would never utter to anyone else. Why do we think it’s okay to say and think the most vicious things to ourselves?  Made in His image, I can only imagine the love He has for us, and how He wants us to see ourselves with just as much love as He does.

3. Embarking on your journey for the right reasons. Just that. In a “visual”, attention-seeking world, we are surrounded by the want to be as “successful” as others. God has a specific purpose for every single person, but this ties in with Tip #1, He wants to use us to reach others, and all too often people get caught up in how the world views them instead of how God does. What is your motive for your journey? Is it so others will love you? Is it so others will pay attention to you? Or, do you want to glorify God by treating your body right? Do you want to help others obtain respect for their bodies as well? Do you want to set a good christian example? The ultimate motive will ultimately determine whether you are truly happy and truly doing what you do for the right reasons. We all want to be accepted for who we are, but we should never conform to the ways of the world for “love” and attention. Being the YOU God intended, allows the right people to be in your life for the right reasons when you DO things for the right reasons.

MOVE.jpg 4. The Base of your temple/body really goes back to the basics.  Feeding your body whole non-processed foods that come from the earth and are not man-made or come in boxes; and treating your body right with daily activity. Our bodies were MEANT to MOVE, and it doesn’t have to be dull, boring and tedious, It should be FUN, something YOU enjoy doing. Even if you are experienced in any and all levels of fitness and nutrition, it is sometimes essential to hit the re-start button, and return to the fundamentals. If you don’t know what to do take a hike… no, literally. find a buddy and go for a walk, jog, find some body weight exercises and do it at home, do a dance workout, Pilates, Yoga, there are so many options to choose from!   Our bodies are our temple, we only get one, and loving ourselves means respecting what we do with them and what we put in them.

5. What you think, you say, you feel and ultimately lays out the path in your life. Your outlook is everything. Ever notice that when you say “I can’t” you’re usually right? What if I told you all it takes to reach any goal you set for yourself is saying “Yes, I can”? The moment you stop telling yourself you can’t, or that you’re not good enough, or any negative thought you have, is the moment big changes begin to happen.   Want help in overcoming the negativity?  One thing you could do to help is self affirmations or something like “The 5 I-AMs”; every night or every morning, number 1-5 and write “I AM…” after each number. After each “I AM” write down something positive (i.e. Strong, confident, beautiful, relentless, persistent, etc.). Say each one out loud in front of the mirror, and repeat them 5 times, write down 5 different I AMs every night. You don’t have to believe it right away, in fact, even just writing these things may be difficult, but each time you do this exercise, it gets easier and easier. This exercise is to prove that when we start to tell ourselves positive uplifting things, we start to believe it. It’s the same
with each and every single thought we have throughout the day. You should be in control of your thoughts at all time, not to linger on the negative thoughts and to replace those with positive ones; after all, what you think, you say, and ultimately dictates your mood throughout the entire day. You have the choice every day to have either a good one or a bad one.

6. Give it to God once more… We’re human. We will fall and fail and fall some more. But that’s why we NEED God, and He’s there, always. Negative thoughts are the most difficult to break, but they can be broken and prayer is a powerful tool God has placed in our tool belt. When we fail and fail and fail, we can pray for strength to get back up. Persistence is another tool God has blessed us with to carry out His purpose.

Realizing that we aren’t perfect is such a beautiful gift. We are all different, all flawed in different ways, all meant to lift someone else in a world that is so focused on bringing others down. Comparison is the thief of joy and only creates negative thoughts, which in turn affects our outlook and our mood. Giving our mood, thoughts, actions and words to God can make all the difference in just day to day life, giving us a bigger purpose than that of living for the world.

What are you living for?

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