What I have to say doesn’t always mean something to everyone…

I talk about the 21 Day program that I use, I share my pictures and my stories and my struggles all in hopes to motivate and inspire people to see that it is possible for them too.
There are thousands of people who are using this same program daily, thousands of people who are changing their lives on a daily basis.
Thousands of people who BELIEVE in themselves again.
Sometimes I feel that only sharing my story and journey isn’t enough to inspire everyone, so maybe if it’s not coming from just me, you will be able to see that this can work for YOU.
I am going to share with you a little bit of Doug’s story.
Doug H. was having trouble with everyday things like getting out of bed, or tying his shoes. It was starting to affect his relationships, so he decided to make a change. Inspired by his children, he began 21 Day Fix. In 3 rounds, he has already lost 42.2 pounds and 21 inches! He said, “I feel good about what I can accomplish with my life again. I feel so blessed and grateful every day. I am not the man I was 3 months ago.”
As you can see, Doug is not done, he has seen that losing the weight can be simple, he just needed the right tools to get him on the right path. Maybe that’s all you need too.
Please comment below or message me if you would like to find more information about the program and how YOU can change your life.



I am already scared for tonight’s workout, not because of the workout itself, but because my arms already feel like they may fall off from using the leaf blower for over 2 hours on Saturday.

Plus it’s been a long day and I am just feeling sluggish. ..well I was, until I drank me some Energize and then maybe I could have fallen off the deep end just a tad…

It’s called ENERGIZE, because it does just that. It Energizes your body when you are running low, the best part, it’s all-natural, plant based nutrients that will give you all the same energy as those other products, but without the side effects. This means you’re not pumping your body full of awful chemicals that you can’t even pronounce.

It does what it says, proof is in the puddin’!

Better put this energy to good use…WORKOUT HERE I COME!!!!

Energize Finish

21 Day Meal Prep COMPLETE!!

Today’s meal prep was a little more detailed because we are starting another round on our 21 day clean eating and portion control program.

When we just eating healthier, I typically just get some of the meals ready and a couple things for grab and go snacks. Not today though, today I got everything ready. Meals and all the grab and go snacks that we will need to have a successful week!



Steel Cut Oatmeal


Salmon, Quinoa and Broccoli Kevin​, Dakota (Salmon Only))
Super Greens, Chicken and Carrots (Kristy’s and Casey​)


Spaghetti made with Spaghetti Squash and homemade sauce
Chicken breast with sweet potatoes and asparagus
Leftovers from the above

Grab and Go Snacks:

Hard boiled eggs
Broccoli and Carrot’s

So as you can see it really was a busy day! But, it’s done and it allows me to have more time during the week to spend with my family!

If you are interested in learning more about the program shoot me a message!


FREE 5 Day CLEAN Eating Challenge

Who is ready to kick those bad habits to the curb?

Join us in a FREE 5 Day CLEAN Eating Challenge group, starting on Monday October 26th!

You will get clean eating recipes and tips that will help you change your lifestyle for the good! Join us to learn how you can change your eating habits without giving “everything” up or “starving” as you start or continue on your health and fitness journey!

There will be a GIVEAWAY at the end!!! Free on top of Free??? Who can argue with that?

Please Join Us! Like or comment below to be added to the group.



Soooo…. The last couple of weeks I’ve kind of fallen off the beaten path so to say.  Not entirely, but enough to be feeling IT.

You know IT, that bloated, sluggish, fatigued just all around BLAH feeling of IT.

IT strikes out of nowhere when you are least expecting IT.  IT tells you that you just don’t feel so well so you shouldn’t workout tonight. IT tells you that just a couple extra goodies here and there won’t do anything to what you have already accomplished. IT convinces you to do something that you normally wouldn’t do; ice cream after pizza, more pizza after ice cream.  IT is eating more like 60/40 and not 80/20.

So I decided to give up on IT and take back control of my 80/20 BALANCED life.   Just because I’m struggling doesn’t mean I have to KEEP struggling.  It doesn’t matter how many times I fail – as long as I keep getting back up.

Who’s ready to join me?   Who’s ready to kick IT out of their life and take back control?

October 26th, I will be starting a 21 day program to get myself back on track and I want YOU to help ME.

I am looking for >> 5 ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS << who want to do it WITH me!

21 Day fix

21 Days to a better YOU

I still have a couple openings left in my next 21 Days to a better YOU Challenge…

What is it that holds you back from the commitment to make yourself better? What is it that you keep telling yourself that puts fear and negativity into change?

Do you have thoughts such as:

~ I have to give everything up?
~ I can’t eat “real” food.
~ I’m going to starve?

I’m here to assure you that none of the above thoughts are true.

During the 21 Day challenge:

– You don’t have to give everything up. Learn about the 80/20 Rule of Moderation and how you can incorporate that in your daily life.

– You get to eat “real” food as in REAL food (like Macaroni and cheese REAL food).

– You will not starve, in fact you may not be able to eat all the allowed food

YOU must make a CHOICE to take a CHANCE or your life will never CHANGE.

What are you waiting for? Let’s talk about what is holding you back. Send me a message or comment below and I will message you.


FREE 7 Day Virtual Fit Club

The weather has been getting colder… less time is being spent outside; which means walks are starting to dwindle too.

Are you just going to stop working out or are you going to continue moving forward?


What better way to see what options are out there for you than to join a FREE 7-Day Virtual Fit Club!

We will complete a new workout each day – virtually! That means, all you need is some space, an internet connection, and a bit of motivation to START.

Who is in? Comment below or message me for more details.

Starts October 5th!


Pumpkin Protein Muffins


Total Time: 28 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 18 min.
Yield: 12 servings, 1 muffin each

1 large egg
1 large egg white
¼ cup pure pumpkin puree
1 large banana, cut into chunks
½ cup all-natural almond butter
¼ cup pure maple syrup
2 scoops Beachbody Whey Protein Powder, Vanilla flavor, or equivalent
½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
¼ tsp. sea salt (or Himalayan salt)
1 dash ground nutmeg

1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. Prepare twelve muffin cups by lining with muffin papers or coating with spray.
3. Place egg, egg white, pumpkin, banana, almond butter, and maple syrup in blender; cover. Blend for 30 seconds.
4. Add Protein Powder, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, and nutmeg; cover. Blend until smooth.
5. Divide batter evenly among prepared muffin cups.
6. Bake 16 to 18 minutes, or until golden brown and tester inserted into the center comes out clean.
7. Transfer muffins to rack; cool.


Health and Fitness Tip: Have fun and be fit!

Improve your energy level, reduce stress, control your weight, lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and more!

How? By increasing your physical activity!

The best news is that all of these benefits can begin with moderate activity. The most important thing is that everyone is more active daily!. It is never to late to start.

You can be active by walking, swimming, gardening, bike ridingcouch-potato-10-03-2011, dancing and even doing housework! (That’s right, give everyone some chores!!)

***KIDS, the more chores you do, the better it is for your health and your mom’s!!! *** (Mom’s: wink wink wink!!!!)

If you have kids, be active with them. Play kick ball, go for a nature walk, play tag, or cops and robbers.. the ideas are endless and you are getting the physical activity in and having FUN!!!

What activity are you going to do to increase your daily physical activity level?