Is Pokémon GO Getting You Going?


By now, you’ve most likely heard of Pokémon GO,the game that allows you to catch Pokémon in the real world by allowing you to  hunt for them via an app on your phone.   Well this new craze has people logging in the miles.

Seriously… Pokémon GO has been a motivator to get people up and moving without even really thinking about it, with one thing on their mind they get up and move

“Pokémon ..Gotta catch em all.”

What can you do to help lose weight or get in better shape?

Keep Walking

If you’ve already added Pokémon GO to your daily routine, you’re probably walking more and, therefore, burning more calories. The average person will burn about 100 calories for every mile walked.  IL001-_Pokémon_-_I_Choose_You_06

Up Your Speed
If you want to catch more Pokémon and burn more calories, you’ve got to keep on moving. You will cover more ground and burn more calories if you walk quickly, jog, or run.


Head Toward The Hills
Heading up hill burns more calories because you have to use more muscle  as you “climb” that incline!

Incorporate Weights 

WHAT? You’re playing a game with your hands, how can you add in weights?   BAtumblr_inline_oae15wLJ5d1tj6ram_540CKPACK!   Carrying a backpack allows you to add in some extra weight!   Aside from your must haves (water, suncscreen and healthy snacks) start out with adding about 5 extra lbs in it.  Adding that 5 lbs will add more resistance and work your muscles harder… once you can handle the 5lbs up it to 10 lbs,  and so on.

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